and At-Home Fall Risk Assessment

Social Work Appointments with Denise Malm MSW.
Social Work at WCSC is:
- Compassionate attention, supportive listening and mindful problem solving.
- Connecting the dots to resources and solutions.
- Support for transitions, decisions and completing important paperwork.
The Wallingford Community Senior Center social worker, Denise Malm, specializes in social work services for older adults. She can help find resources, make referrals, give brief counseling support during difficult times, help elders, their friends or family members make plans and support them in transitions. Assistance with applying for food, medical and/or long-term care state benefits is also available.
Additionally, as a Geriatric Mental Health Specialist (GMHS), Denise is able to assess for cognitive impairment, depression and fall risks.
WCSC Social Worker
Denise Malm
To schedule a 50-minute counseling or social work appointment, or an at-home fall risk assessment in or around Wallingford, please call WCSC’s front desk or email the social worker directly.Or
Tap here here on your phone to call to request an appointment at (206)461-7825
Crisis Connections
If you are in crisis, Crisis Connections is open 24 hours a day.866-427-4747
If you think that someone may hurt themselves or another person, call 911.